Do you need telon oil for babies, what are the benefits? Do you always prepare telon oil at home? Yes, for some mothers, telon oil is a must-have item for their little ones. The term telon actually comes from the Javanese word telu (three) because it contains three main ingredients: fennel oil, eucalyptus oil and coconut oil.
Well, of the three elements, perhaps the best known is eucalyptus oil. Indeed, eucalyptus oil is known to have many health benefits. Not a few mothers smear their little ones with eucalyptus oil or minyak telon after bathing to feel warm.

There are several other benefits that can be learned from eucalyptus oil, including:
1. Breathing Problems
Eucalyptus oil is antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal, antimicrobial and decongestant. For this reason, eucalyptus oil is often used as an ingredient in medicine, especially related to respiratory problems.
So, eucalyptus oil can help relieve symptoms such as coughs, colds, nasal congestion, thinning phlegm, even asthma, bronchitis, and so on. Eucalyptus oil can be applied to the chest or throat area.
2. Bloating
Eucalyptus oil or telon oil can help treat flatulence. Gently rub the baby’s stomach and massage gently using telon oil / eucalyptus oil.
3. Relieve Pain And Help Relax
Eucalyptus oil has a relaxing effect on the nervous system and muscles. Research also states, eucalyptus oil helps deal with pain in joints. Aching problems can also be overcome with eucalyptus oil.
4. Protect Your Little One from Mosquitoes and Insects
In order for your little one to avoid mosquito bites, Moms can apply eucalyptus oil on the skin. Well, the strong aroma of eucalyptus oil can also keep insects away.
Also Read: Essential Oils, Safe for Baby’s Skin
Another basic ingredient of telon oil is head oil. Coconut oil can solve several problems in babies, such as the following:
Should Babies Smeared With Telon Oil? There are Many Benefits, You Know
Do you need telon oil for babies, what are the benefits? Do you always prepare telon oil at home? Yes, for some mothers, telon oil is a must-have item for their little ones. The term telon actually comes from the Javanese word telu (three) because it contains three main ingredients: fennel oil, eucalyptus oil and coconut oil.
Well, of the three elements, perhaps the best known is eucalyptus oil. Indeed, eucalyptus oil is known to have many health benefits. Not a few mothers smear their little ones with eucalyptus oil or minyak telon after bathing to feel warm.
There are several other benefits that can be learned from eucalyptus oil, including:
1. Breathing Problems
Eucalyptus oil is antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal, antimicrobial and decongestant. For this reason, eucalyptus oil is often used as an ingredient in medicine, especially related to respiratory problems.
So, eucalyptus oil can help relieve symptoms such as coughs, colds, nasal congestion, thinning phlegm, even asthma, bronchitis, and so on. Eucalyptus oil can be applied to the chest or throat area.
2. Bloating
Eucalyptus oil or telon oil can help treat flatulence. Gently rub the baby’s stomach and massage gently using telon oil / eucalyptus oil.
3. Relieve Pain And Help Relax
Eucalyptus oil has a relaxing effect on the nervous system and muscles. Research also states, eucalyptus oil helps deal with pain in joints. Aching problems can also be overcome with eucalyptus oil.
4. Protect Your Little One from Mosquitoes and Insects
In order for your little one to avoid mosquito bites, Moms can apply eucalyptus oil on the skin. Well, the strong aroma of eucalyptus oil can also keep insects away.
Also Read: Essential Oils, Safe for Baby’s Skin
Another basic ingredient of telon oil is head oil. Coconut oil can solve several problems in babies, such as the following:
1. Diaper Rash
Generally, babies experience diaper rash. Coconut oil can solve this problem by rubbing it on the rash area after your little one has showered. Then, massage gently. Coconut oil is antibacterial and moisturizing so the rash goes away quickly.
2. Thrush
Sometimes babies have thrush. Coconut oil has an antifungal function to treat thrush. To do this, apply a thin layer of mother’s nipples with head oil when breastfeeding your little one.
3. Acne
Sometimes babies have skin problems because their skin is still sensitive. For example, pimples or reddish spots on the skin. This condition made him uncomfortable. The trick, apply a little coconut oil on the baby’s skin. Let stand for a few hours, then rinse with warm water.
4. Insect Bites
Coconut oil is antibacterial and anti-inflammatory, so it can treat insect bites. Baby’s skin will quickly become inflamed, red and swollen when bitten by insects. Your little one becomes fussy because their skin feels itchy, hot or sore. Try applying coconut oil and let it sit for a while until the skin heals.
5. Dry and Irritated Skin
Extreme weather like this time, scorching heat or room temperature that is too cold sometimes makes baby’s skin dry. The next effect, the skin can become irritated. Try rubbing coconut oil on the baby’s skin.
6.Seborrheic Dermatitis
Coconut oil can also treat seborrheic dermatitis in babies. Yes, the baby’s scalp is still sensitive, sometimes experiencing cradle cap or seborrheic dermatitis caused by fungi. Coconut oil is an antifungal which can be used to treat this problem.
9. Stimulate Hair Growth
Some baby hair grows very thin. Well, coconut oil can help stimulate hair growth. Coconut oil contains vitamins E and K which help stimulate the hair roots so that they are stronger and grow faster.
The trick, wet the baby’s hair with warm water. Then, pour enough coconut oil on the baby’s scalp. Then, massage gently and let it sit for about half an hour. Finally, if it gets clean with warm water.
It should be noted, baby’s skin is still very sensitive and soft so Moms need to be careful in choosing the right care products. The reason is, some products for babies are also added with chemicals that can cause irritation or trigger allergies.
So, try to choose baby care products that are natural and chemical free.